Explore Non-Profit Organizations Package

We help you fill tax-exempts which are required by the IRS. Form 990 and its related documents every year

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balance sheet accounts, revenue expenditure

Income Statement

Donations, wages, postage, and rent are just some of the income and cost areas that we assist with

balance sheet accounts, revenue expenditure

Balance Sheet

Includes particular categories on the balance sheet, such as cash, accounts receivable, and accounts payable

balance sheet accounts, revenue expenditure

Functional Expense Statement

Assistance with expenditures related to program services, fundraising, and operations

balance sheet accounts, revenue expenditure

Individual Program Expense Statement

We assist in the accounting of all expenditures for each program or service, such as seminar programs or instructional mailings

balance sheet accounts, revenue expenditure

Revenue Support Schedules

Give clear evidence of the organization's sources of income, such as charity gifts, membership fees, and investment income.

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(513) 802-9729

Information presented on this website is not intended as tax or legal advice. You are encouraged to seek tax or legal advice from a qualified professional.