Explore Tax Strategies for Individuals toolkit

Tax-saving strategies for deferring income and maximizing deductions include some strategies for specific categories of individuals.

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The "Nanny Tax" Rules

You may be required to pay state and federal employment taxes if you have a home employee.

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Higher Education Costs

Various tax benefits are available if you are paying for college or other higher education costs.

tax strategies, top mutual funds

Selling Your Home: How To Minimize the Tax On the Gain

When you sell your primary house, you can take advantage of several tax benefits.

tax strategies, top mutual funds

The Deductibility of Points

When and how many points spent on a house purchase or refinance are deductible?

tax strategies, top mutual funds

Charitable Contributions

Since charities ask for larger and more frequent donations from the public these days, it should be checked before you donate money or time.

tax strategies, top mutual funds

Mutual Fund Taxation

How are mutual fund payouts taxed? We offer advice on how to save money on mutual fund activities.

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Information presented on this website is not intended as tax or legal advice. You are encouraged to seek tax or legal advice from a qualified professional.