Getting a Loan

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Getting a Loan

Every person has their loan requirement; some need it for personal, some for business, and some to build their house. It's seen that the big to small business people rely on loans and investments for their growth. So a loan plays a very vital role in every person's life. We have loans for every type of need a person has, ranging from personal to business loans. The banks provide loans ranging from education to housing, vehicles, startups, and many more. Every type of loan has its own profitability and interest rates. The variations in each type of loan make it hard to select from the options present in the market. 

Role of Finance Advisors

The types of loans and the various benefits and interests combined make it tough for an ordinary man to choose the type of loan he is longing for. Moreover, if a person tries to select it by himself, he is either stuck in high-interest rates or has over-promised in giving the deposit dates or in any other legal works. Therefore, at this time, every one of us needs a financial advisor who can help us make better decisions while applying for loans. 

Apart from understanding the technicalities of the loans, it is also necessary to understand our credit scores and our financial status before applying for a loan. A financial advisor helps us to understand our bank status and eligibility criteria of whether it fulfills the loan we are applying for or not and take a wiser decision.

Why choose Royal West Agency Insurance Advisor before searching for loans?

Taking advice for loans is risky as we have to discuss all our financial assets with the advisor. And now, getting an eligible and trustworthy financial advisor has become challenging. This is because, with the rise in the type of loans available in the market, we also have several advisors. But, with Royal West Agency, you can be assured about the information you share with us and the advice you will get. Our financial advisors' teams are all certified candidates from the country's trusted institutes and are experts in their fields. Therefore, the team ensures that you receive the longer end of the stick and be satisfied. Moreover, the Royal West Agency's financial advisors will walk with you until you receive your targeted profit.



Frequently Asked Questions

  • For financing a business, what type of loans are available?

    Generally, the terms of loans vary from lender to lender, but there are two basic types of loans: Short-term and long-term.

    • A short-term loan has a maturity of up to one year. 
    • Long-term loan maturity is greater than a year but usually less than or equal to seven years. However, Real estate and equipment loans may have maturities up to 25 years.
  • Is home equity line of credit or second mortgage loan obtainable?

    If you are thinking about a home equity line of credit, you might also consider a traditional second mortgage loan. This type of loan provides a fixed amount of money repayable over a fixed period. Usually, the payment schedule calls for equal payments that pay off the entire loan within a specific time.


  • Before considering a loan request, what does a bank look for?

    The bank official is primarily concerned about the loan repayment when considering your loan request. Therefore, for the eligibility criteria, the bank official sees your credit score according to the following:

    1. Have you invested savings or personal equity in your business totaling at least 25 to 50 percent of the loan you requested? Remember, a lender or investor never finances 100 percent of your business.
    2. Do you have a good record of creditworthiness, as indicated by your credit report, work history, and letters of recommendation? It forms an essential part of your credit score.
    3. Do you have sufficient experience and training for operating a successful business?
    4. Have you prepared a loan proposal and business plan demonstrating your understanding and commitment to the business's success?
    5. Does your business for which you are applying for a loan have sufficient cash flow to make the monthly payments on the amount of the loan request?

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