Preparing for College

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Preparing for College

Investing in your child's studies is one of the most intense decisions in everyone's life. A person needs to give the child a quality education to make a better future for the child and the country. Education is the backbone of every country, but the expense of education is growing day by day. In the era of machines and technologies, the cost of a college education is rising every year, making it challenging for parents to plan early and invest shrewdly in their child's education. The fees of colleges and schools now require pre-planning even before looking at the institutes' prospectus because only proper planning can lessen the financial squeeze.

Investing in Insurance Can Prove to Be the Best Step

According to the College Board, average published tuition and fees for full-time in-state students at four-year public colleges and universities increased by 1.1 percent before adjusting for inflation, rising from $10,440 in 2019-20 to $10,560 in 2020-21. In addition, average published tuition and fees at nonprofit four-year private institutions increased by 2.1 percent before adjusting for inflation, rising from $36,880 in 2019-20 to $37,650 in 2020-21. The amount stated above can be very challenging for lower-middle-class parents to educate their children if not planned since their childhood. Of course, starting the investment early has many advantages, like flexibility in choosing the type of investment and putting the tiniest part of your money every year. But even if you realize saving money for your child's college late, it's better late than never; there are many effective techniques to increase financial aid opportunities and reduce taxes.

Some of the effective ways to generate additional funds and also when your child enters college are:

You can start saving now and as much as possible to at least have starting support for your child.

If you have a less-income job that doesn't allow you to save a significant amount, if possible, you can look for a part-time or freelancing job that offers considerable pay.

You can always apply for the various types of student aid and loans available to benefit students.

There are insurances available in the market with high return rates where you can invest in your child's name if you get any significant amount at any time in your life.

The U.S. Department of Education provides complete information on the financial aid given to students to flourish in their future.

Royal West Agency Insurance Advisors Step Towards Helping You

We understand that educating a child in today's world is becoming tough daily, mainly due to the rising fees and other expenses required. We have seen several schemes and insurances in the market to help you cope with the significant amount of education. But, what Royal West Agency offers you is not just any insurance; it provides you with a complete team of experts willing to understand your concern. The team of experts first listens to all your issues and then acknowledges your doubts one by one. We focus on letting you understand all the clauses of any insurance that tempts you and then let you decide on the best insurance that suits you and your child.

We understand that educating a child in today's world is becoming tough daily, mainly due to the rising fees and other expenses required. We have seen several schemes and insurances in the market to help you cope with the significant amount of education. But, what Royal West Agency offers you is not just any insurance; it provides you with a complete team of experts willing to understand your concern. The team of experts first listens to all your issues and then acknowledges your doubts one by one. We focus on letting you understand all the clauses of any insurance that tempts you and then let you decide on the best insurance that suits you and your child.

If, in any situation, my student loan debt is canceled, what tax treatment will apply?

Generally, you are taxed only on the unpaid loan balance, But there's a chance of complete waiving of tax if the debt gets canceled if:

  • You worked for a certain period.
  • You have worked for any broad class of employees.
  • You worked in certain professions.
  • The tax reform legislation passed in 2017 stipulated that student loan debt forgiveness due to death or permanent disability is excluded from income.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does the Government provide Tax Relief for the Cost of my Children's Higher Education?

    A wide variety of tax relief is available for us to educate our children freely. But you'll need to choose which credit or deduction you want to claim or which savings plan to use based on your tax situation. There is also no option for you to choose two different kinds of relief for the same item. For example, you can't take the higher education credit and tuition fees deduction for the same student in the same year. You also can't take the “American Opportunity Tax Credit” and the “Lifetime Learning Credit” for the same student in the same year. However, there are some limits based on adjusted gross income.


  • Do we also have the tax relief for education savings bonds?

    If you redeem Series EE bonds in the same year you qualify for education expenses, they are tax-exempted. Also, the exemption depends on your income in the year of redemption of the bond.

  • If, in any situation, my student loan debt is canceled, what tax treatment will apply?

    Generally, you are taxed only on the unpaid loan balance, But there's a chance of complete waiving of tax if the debt gets canceled if:


    • You worked for a certain period.
    • You have worked for any broad class of employees.
    • You worked in certain professions.


    According to the tax reform legislation passed in 2017 stipulated that student loan debt forgiveness due to death or permanent disability is excluded from income.


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Information presented on this website is not intended as tax or legal advice. You are encouraged to seek tax or legal advice from a qualified professional.